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Childcare Fees and Childcare Subsidy (CCS)


Updated: Oct 13, 2023


The preferred payment for fees is through direct transfer to our centre’s account. If fees are not kept up to date it will jeopardize your child's booking and their position may be suspended or cancelled.

The Centre Director can provide families with an estimate of their childcare subsidy (CCS) amount based on information provided. Please note that parents are responsible for the payment of full fees at the service, and where CCS has been applied families are responsible for the “gap” amount. Where CCS is cancelled or reduced due to a change in a family’s circumstances the family is still responsible for any amount outstanding on their account.

Our child care software package communicates directly with Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) weekly, via the internet to relay information about CCS eligibility and child care attendance.


When receiving CCS you are responsible for keeping the Australian Government and your child care service up-to-date and notify them when your circumstances change.

Here is a checklist of responsibilities:

  • Provide your child care service/s with your Customer Reference Numbers, dates of birth and Jobs, Education and Training Child Care fee assistance assessment notice,

  • Sign or initial attendance records daily to show when your child starts care (‘time in’) and finishes care (‘time out’)—do not sign blank attendance records

  • Sign or initial attendance records each time your child is absent from care

Inform each child care service you are using when you have used your initial 42 absence days (only if you receive CCS as a fee reduction) and provide your child care service with documents where necessary for:

  • Additional absence days your child is absent from care

  • An increase in the number of maximum hours you can get paid CCS

Advice the Family Assistance Office when changes happen that may affect your CCS. These include when:

  • Your child stops using child care

  • Your child starts or leaves school

  • You and your partner’s income changes

  • You change partnering arrangements (opposite or same-sex) for example, if you get married, registered, separated or divorced

  • You or your partner’s residence status changes

  • Your address or bank account details change


To be eligible you need to meet all of the following:

  • Residency - You or your partner must be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident living in Australia or be exempted from the Government’s residency requirements

  • Use approved or registered child care

  • Immunisation - Children under seven must meet the Government’s immunisation requirements or have an exemption

  • Responsibility for child care payments - To get CCS you must be the one responsible for your child care costs. If your employer contributes to your child care through salary sacrificing or packaging, you should discuss with them who is responsible for the child care costs

Other factors can affect your Childcare Subsidy, including:

  • Your child starting school

  • Changes in income

  • If you enter into a salary sacrifice arrangement with your employer in which some or all of your child care fees are paid for you

  • One of your children no longer using care

  • You or your partner no longer meeting the Work, Training, Study test

  • Participation in work, training or study related commitments

What is the Activity test?

This test determines how many hours of CCS you can get.

For more information about this test, contact the Family Assistance Office by visiting,, or, or call 13 61 50


You will be charged for all days booked regardless of attendance including absences and Public Holidays. If the absences are your initial 42 absence days or an additional absence day, the Australian Government will still pay you CCS for approved child care.

What is an absence day?

You will get CCS for 42 absence days per child each financial year. These can be for any reason and will not require proof and include public holidays. You cannot claim absences if your child has not started care or has stopped care. You also cannot claim CCS for an absence if you have notified us that you are taking your child out of care on a set date and then change your mind and remove your child earlier. If you receive CCS as a fee reduction at another child care service you must let us know when your child has used your initial 42 absence days.

What is an additional absence day?

You can also get CCS for additional absence days once your initial 42 absence days have been used. There is no limit on these days but you may be required to provide documentation to support the absence.

The additional absence days reasons are:

  • Illness (with a medical certificate), or another absence due to sickness of the child, a parent or sibling, supported by medical certificates

  • Non-immunisation

  • Rostered days off

  • Rotating shift work

  • Temporary closure of a school or pupil-free days

  • Period of local emergency – the service is closed or the child is unable to travel to the service

  • Shared care arrangements due to a court order, parenting plan or parenting order attendance at preschool

  • Exceptional circumstances


We are required under the Family Assistance Law to comply with the Australian Government’s ‘Priority of Access Guidelines’. The guidelines must be used when there is a waiting list for a child care service or when a number of parents are applying for a limited number of vacant places.


Priority 1) A child at risk of serious abuse or neglect.

Priority 2) A child of a parent (or both parents if you have a partner) who satisfies the Government’s work, training, study test.

Priority 3) Any other child.

Under the Priority of Access Guidelines, we may require a Priority 3 child to vacate a place to make room for a child with a higher priority. If this is required, we will provide you with at least 14 days’ notice and where possible, allocate alternative days care.

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